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Determining the Original Voxel Densities

Introduction In A-level Physics Remote Sensing, one particular concept that students were required to apply was the idea of using voxel to build up the x-ray image of a body. Some students were wondering the very arbitrary idea of performing certain procedures to arrive at the answer. In this article, I am going to explain the reason why the series of steps work as described. Procedure Assuming four voxels with unknown densities,w, x, y and z, are investigated with an x-ray beam. When an x-ray beam is directed at the region, the detected intensity could be received at the other…

Install FreeRADIUS on Ubuntu Server 18.04.3

FreeRADIUS is an open source application that allows network to authenticate users who want to access network resources, such as the internet. Some routers provide built-in hotspot features that provide such function, but they usually lack comprehensive features for school use, such as tracking of usage. Since FreeRADIUS is available free for use, most enterprises use it to authenticate their users. In this tutorial, I would go through the steps to install and set up FreeRADIUS on a Ubuntu Server 18.04.3. The tutorial is divided into two parts: Apache, MariaDB and PHP, and the installation of FreeRADIUS itself. Install Apache…

Unit 1.3: User Entry

Objectives Create a text field in Interface Builder Connect the text field to the view controller as an IBOutlet Print the value from the text field as a String to console

Unit 1.1: Hello World

In this unit, you will learn how to add a button to the iPhone in the Interface Builder and print the String “Hello World” when the button is tapped.

Branching in Git to Control Versions

This article is a followup on the introduction to source control with GitHub. It covers the process using branches to control different versions of a single project. Branching in Git After the first commit, you will be on the master branch. This should be the branch that contains the finalised code. When you are following a code tutorial, this branch should contain the latest working version of your tutorial. When developing a software project, this branch contains the code of your finalised working version. Before you continue adding more code to your master branch while following a tutorial, branch out…

Using GitHub with Xcode

Coding is hard. To a beginner, all the code looks alike. A beginner will have difficulties identifying where to insert code when they follow the instructions from a coding book. This problem is compounded when many coding textbooks contain typo errors such that even when the learner follows exactly what the book wrote, the code simply could not run as expected. As a trainer, it is often that we use long projects to showcase a combination of coding concepts. However, from the start of the project to the end, there are many intermediate stages where the learner may type wrongly…

AS Level Physics Multiple Choice Questions 2017

Full solutions to multiple choice questions for past papers from 2017 P11 – P13 (AS Level Physics Paper 1) Multiple Choice Questions could be easy for some, but hard for others. Many students who felt that MCQ questions are hard think so because they often select the options based on what they feel are correct. However, Physics is science, and science should be objective and not based on feelings.