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Tag: GitHub

Branching in Git to Control Versions

This article is a followup on the introduction to source control with GitHub. It covers the process using branches to control different versions of a single project. Branching in Git After the first commit, you will be on the master branch. This should be the branch that contains the finalised code. When you are following a code tutorial, this branch should contain the latest working version of your tutorial. When developing a software project, this branch contains the code of your finalised working version. Before you continue adding more code to your master branch while following a tutorial, branch out…

Using GitHub with Xcode

Coding is hard. To a beginner, all the code looks alike. A beginner will have difficulties identifying where to insert code when they follow the instructions from a coding book. This problem is compounded when many coding textbooks contain typo errors such that even when the learner follows exactly what the book wrote, the code simply could not run as expected. As a trainer, it is often that we use long projects to showcase a combination of coding concepts. However, from the start of the project to the end, there are many intermediate stages where the learner may type wrongly…